Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen Forschung Publikationen
Bestimmen von Eigenspannungstiefenverläufen im Labor mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenbeugung

Enhanced boundary zone rolling contact fatigue strength through hybrid machining by hard turn-rolling

Kategorien Konferenz (reviewed)
Jahr 2016
Autoren Denkena, B., Maiß, O., Poll, G., Neubauer, T., Pape, F.:
Veröffentlicht in Bearing World, 12. - 13.04.2016, Hannover, 4 S.

Roller bearings are highly loade and frequently used parts in mechanical engineering. Futhermore, the machining process is characterized by high productivity and accuracy. Due to the increasing amount of customized bearings the manufacturers need to specialize their products. One possibility to influence the performacne of a bearing ist by affecting the surface integrity.