Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen Forschung Publikationen
Bestimmen von Eigenspannungstiefenverläufen im Labor mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenbeugung

Adaptronic Systems in Robot Manufacturing

Kategorien Konferenz (reviewed)
Jahr 2014
Autoren Denkena, B., Immel, J., Schönherr, M.:
Veröffentlicht in ICMST - International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, 16.-18. September 2011, Singapur, 5 S.

Industrial robots are a cost-efficient possibility to face the increasing demands of future production processes. This paper presents an adaptronic approach to improve the structural properties of state of the art robots. For this purpose, highly-flexible piezo-based actuator foils and sensors are directly integrated into CFRP components without structural weakening. This paper shows the potential of these implemented measures for the active damping of structural vibration due to chattering while machining and for a precision positioning even in the sub-micrometer range.