Ultra Precision High Performance Axis Control

Kategorien Beiträge in Büchern (reviewed)
Jahr 2021
Autoren Schreiber, P., Bergmann, B., Denkena, B.:
Veröffentlicht in Ultra-precision High Performance Cutting (2021), Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, Report of DFG Research Unit FOR 1845, S. 147-170.

Axis controls of ultra-precision machine tools have to fulfill demanding requirements regarding position and velocity tracking accuracy, disturbance rejection, and avoidance of vibration. Within this project, an axis concept for ultraprecision machining utilizing an electromagnetic linear guide is investigated. The axis concept offers additional, redundant degrees of freedom for error compensation and sensory information for monitoring tasks. It is shown that input shaping and feed forward control of disturbance forces allow for significant improvement in machining performance. To investigate the axis behavior of the multi-axis motion, an external measurement device with sufficient travel range and sub-micron resolution is needed. This task is solved with a novel speckle position sensor that is described in this chapter as well.   

ISBN 978-3-030-83764-8
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83765-5_6