Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools Institute News and Events News
ProKI Conference "Smart Factory: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Production

ProKI Conference "Smart Factory: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Production

How can artificial intelligence (AI) be used successfully in production? Where are the challenges and what are the opportunities? While AI is a much-discussed topic in the media, it often remains unclear how it can be used responsibly and profitably at the same time. The ProKI conference "Smart Factory" on November 14, 2023, will address precisely these questions and provide exciting insights into the topic of AI in production technology.

The conference will take place at the Machine Tool Laboratory (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University (Manfred-Weck-Haus, Steinbachstr. 19, 52074 Aachen, Germany) and is sponsored by the four ProKI locations Aachen, Berlin, Karlsruhe and Hannover. The conference program starts at 9:00 am with presentations from business and research and ends at 5:30 pm. Interested companies can register now free of charge.

The ProKI Center Hannover, located at the Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Machine Tools (IFW), is particularly proud to present an overview of the collaboration within ProKI together with Rainer Schmutte, Managing Director of RSConnect GmbH. The presentation will be supported by project staff members Paul Krombach and Dennis Stoppel. "In a so-called tandem project, we are implementing an application example for image-based detection of tool wear during milling. For this purpose, a camera inside the machine captures images of the tool and stores them on an external device. Data acquisition, transmission and storage are automated and integrated into the manufacturing process. The data set is used to train a deep neural network. With the aim of detecting and marking tool wear on the images," explains project coordinator Dennis Stoppel.

In addition, a thematic tour of the WZL at RWTH Aachen University will take place at the conference. The tour will include live demonstrations and a presentation of AI applications by AI experts from Aachen. Afterwards, conference attendees will have the opportunity to participate in various workshops. ProKI-Hannover, for example, is offering a workshop on image processing that directly follows on from the morning's lecture and teaches participants how they can independently apply approaches from the field of deep learning in their production.

The ProKI project and the conference are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Participation in the conference is therefore free of charge - as are all ProKI-Hannover offerings, for example webinars and workshops. Here you can find more information about the ProKI-Center Hannover.



For further information, please contact Dennis Stoppel, Institute of Production Engineering and Machine Tools at Leibniz Universität Hannover, by phone +49 511 762 182327 or by e-mail (