Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugmaschinen Forschung Publikationen
"Durchgängiges Datenmanagement System" für die Instandsetzung von Triebwerkskomponenten.

Control-System-Based Approach for Robust Process Monitoring in Single Item Production

Kategorien Konferenz (reviewed)
Jahr 2012
Autoren Denkena, B., Yohannes, B.:
Veröffentlicht in 1st Joint International Symposium on System-Integrated Intelligence 2012: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, June 27th - 29th 2012, Hannover, 3 S.

Process monitoring systems are used in production processes to identify disturbances. Until now, they are primarily used in mass production. This paper presents a new teach-less monitoring approach for milling processes. The algorithm is based on measured drive- and control-inherent signals of a machine tool. In order to guarantee a robust strategy the engagement of the tool and the machine conditions were taken into account. For this purpose model-based approaches were realized. The evaluation of actual data in a material removal simulation leads to a perfect synchronisation between simulation and measured drive-and control-inherent signals.